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Outgoing 2018 Chairman, Skip Lilly, Hands Gavel over to 2019 Chairman of the Board, Randy Dye at the 99th Annual Daytona Regional Chamber dinner Meeting with guest Speaker Brian Kilmeade

February 04, 2020

DAYTONA BEACH — The Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce will mark its 100th anniversary this year by celebrating its rich history while also looking ahead to the future, its new chairman pledged Monday night. 

The Speaker that evening was Brian Kilmeade, co-anchor from Fox and Friends.  

Jimmy Buffett makes surprise visit to Daytona’s Margaritaville

July 31, 2018

Skip Lilly shot this selfie over his shoulder showing Jimmy Buffett and his entourage looking over menus at the Landshark Bar & Grill on A1a in Daytona Beach on Thursday.  

“I just happened to be eating lunch and he (Buffett) walked in,” said Skip Lilly, chairman of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce.

The sales and marketing manager for Vision HR said Buffett and a small entourage that included officials with Margaritaville Holdings sat at a table behind him.

He waited for Buffett to finish his meal before introducing himself.

Lilly, a Buffett fan who performs music in his spare time under the name Steel Daddy, said meeting Buffett fulfills a longtime dream.

“He was genuine, looked me in the eye, listened to what I had to say and (was) engaged,” Lilly wrote in a blog.


Lilly said Buffett also took time to pose for a photo with some of the Landshark staff before departing.

Hard Rock Hotel raises bar for Hotels, Leaders say

Skip Lilly of Vision HR, the 2018 chairman of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, echoed Kennedy’s comments, calling the grand opening of the Hard Rock “a proud moment for the City of Daytona Beach.”

“Being a music performer myself, I’m excited a venue like this is here,” said Lilly, who occasionally sings, plays guitar and steel drums in his spare time under the stage name Steel Daddy. “You can take in a show and spend the night all in the same four-star facility. This is an example of the renaissance that is happening in Daytona Beach.”

“I think we will continue to see more four-star quality hotels land on our coastline,” he added.


Florida Governor Opens Hard Rock Hotel in Daytona Beach at Daytona Regional Chamber Ribbon Cutting.

May 17, 2018

“We appreciate your support of our community and your dedication to service the people of Florida and your leadership," said Skip Lilly, chairman of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce. 


Florida Gov. Rick Scott traveled to Daytona Beach on Friday, May 4 for a special ribbon cutting event at the city's new Hard Rock Hotel, congratulating hotel staff, the local business community and city and county officials.

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Skip Lilly Installed as Daytona Regional Chamber's 2018 Chairman of the Board with Keynote Speaker Oliver North.

February 25, 2018

I have no doubt it (the East ISB project) will succeed because those working with you are inspired,” said Oliver North, the retired Marine Corp. Lieutenant Colonel-turned-Fox News television personality, told Skip Lilly, the chamber’s new chairman

‘Steel Daddy’ plays new tune as chamber’s chair-elect

August 08, 2017

Nancy Keefer, president and CEO of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, and Skip Lilly, Sales and marketing manager at Vision HR, are seen here in the firm’s front lobby.  Skip Lilly was recently tapped to become chair-elect for Volusia County’s largest chamber.  He begins his one-year term as chair on Jan 1,2018. 

Meet ‘Steel Daddy’: HR professional by day, steel drum musician at night

April 08, 2017

Local musician Skip”Steel Daddy” Lilly works by day as sales and marketing manager for Vision H.R. 

Fins up in Daytona: Latitude Margaritaville breaks ground

March 28, 2023

The groundbreaking event included live music by local performer Skip “Steel Daddy” Lilly, who played Buffett tunes, including “Margaritaville,” on steel drums and guitar, as well as free food and promotional item giveaways.

Floridian Skip Lilly brings the sound of the steel drums to audiences everywhere as Steel Daddy

December 07, 2010

Skip Lilly is a North Carolina native who now resides in Daytona Beach. While he has a business administration and marketing degree from East Carolina University, Skip spends much of his spare time entertaining people all over the world on the steel drums. From Atlantic City to Key West, and from the British Virgin Islands to the Bahamas, Steel Daddy brings original music and well-known songs by performers like Jimmy Buffett and Bob Marley, as well as classic rock and current tunes.

Steel Daddy frequently plays the venue Grabbers on Guana Cay, in the Bahamas. Skip was inspired to play by a local group of men playing steel drums while on a sailing vacation with his dad in the early 1980s. It was at Stanley's Welcome Bar in the British Virgin Islands that he first fell in love with the unique sound.

He got his first streel drum in 2000 and had his first performance in 2001.  Skip taught himself to play the instrument by practicing every day. He was fortunate enough to meet the inventor of the instrument, Ellie Mannette, who still is on faculty at West Virginia University. Skip admires Ellie's passion to create, his persistence on quality, the lifetime achievement of spreading the art form and to pass on his ability to as many as he can to ensure the art form lives on and grows.

Skip notes, the steel drum is the only new innovative acoustical instrument in the last century that does not require amplification. Already owning a drum kit and playing drums since high school, the steel drum had a lot of the same reward. I found myself creating certain note sequences that would work together in certain time that became unique. This is when it became fun and addictive. After a while I had many songs and would play them two times over a three-hour gig. After about three years of this, I decided to incorporate the guitar and singing. This allowed Skip to include more current tunes that were in line with the island-style music.

Skip is an expert on the instrument and on the rich history of it. He traveled all the way to Ellie's shop to learn the deep history and to gain respect for its roots. Though Skip has not yet taught anyone else to play, he plans on passing down his knowledge and techniques to his 18-month old daughter Peyton. He has been saving a real miniature ten-note steel drum for her to learn on. The instrument is definitely not something that just anyone can pick-up. It is very expensive. A quality steel drum can cost around $3100, so keep this in mind if you are interested in learning. Any musician knows that any amount of time and money spent on something you truly love doing, is worth it. Consider how much of a passion it is for you. For Skip there was never a question.

Skip recalls the funny story that inspired the name Steel Daddy. When asked how he should be introduced for a gig, nothing came to mind. The phrase, “Who's your daddy?”  was widely used at the time. When someone called out “Who's your steel daddy?” and the name stuck! After about a year, the 'Who's your' dropped off, and there you have it! 

Some of his most memorable gigs include playing for the PGA tour and Mark Omera. He has been able to play in a lot of special places in front of special people over the last ten years. The best thing for Skip is that he gets paid to play music for a few hours that he would want to hear anyways. Skip still performs all over, but recently he has started to primarily playing exclusive private and corporate shows. Skip's goal for the future is to continue playing with the same zest as he did when he started in 2000. He misses making new music as often. It is difficult playing loud music with an 18-month old at home. Hopefully there will be much more to come from Steel Daddy in the future for Floridians and for island music-lovers everywhere. Continue reading on

Popular Free Concert Strains Guana Cay’s Capacity

April 01, 2007

Grabber’s weekend was

the biggest since their May 06 opening.

Nightly performances by a talented Steel

Daddy from Daytona Beach, Florida, was

a welcomed addition for those filling the

anchorage at Fisher’s Bay.

Steel Daddy, Yes Weekly's Artist Of the Week

July 26, 2005

Man, it’s hot out there. Way too hot for any type of strenuous outdoor activity like cutting the lawn or playing tennis, in our humble opinion. But these dog days are perfect for sitting outside at sunset with one of those icy umbrella drinks and chilling to the sounds of this week’s Page Three fella, Skip Lilly, who as his alter ego Steel Daddy plays Caribbean-style classics and originals on his steel drum in some of the Triad’s coolest venues. We’ve got him here on the deck outside Ham’s Lakeside, where he’s scheduled to begin gigging any day now. He’s trained with Ellie Mannette, the Trinidadian inventor of the 55-gallon steel drum, and played with Jimmy Buffett’s steel player, but Lilly does more than just whack the steel ‘— he’s got his own human resources business and is active in community groups like the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and the Crescent Rotary. He’s also getting his MBA from UNCG. But Lilly’s heart lies in the islands. And also on his website,

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